From design to installation

Our services cover the entire project lifecycle.
We have the expertise and equipment needed to realize your vision.


Let us handle most of it! You get help with exactly what you need.


Design & Engineering

We offer design of fiberglass structures. Our designers excel at turning ideas into solid product solutions.


We build what you need, whether it’s finished products or parts of larger products. No matter what the customer requests, we make it happen. 


Our CNC machine can progress fiberglass, plastic, wood, and similar matherials. This allows us to tailor our product solutions to meet our customers needs.


Glassfiber Produkter can assist with the installation of structures. With extensive experience, we ensure an efficient, fast, and safe installation.

We deliver complete fiberglass solutions!

“That we can more easily join fiberglass with other parts gives us far fewer headaches when it comes to design and assembly “


-Kristian Aanes, Technical leader
Gigante Salmon Indre Harøy

Success stories

Read about how we have helped some of Norway’s largest companies realize their vision


Broad experience

We have delivered complete fiberglass solutions to some of Norway’s largest construction projects across a variety of markets.


Unsure how we fit into your project? 

Contact us

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We love helping you with whatever you’re wondering about!


Together, we’ll find the best solution.

-Magnar Stangeland
Sales Manager  Glassfiber Produkter AS

Our services

Let us handle most of it! You get help with exactly what you need.


Design & Engineering

We offer design of fiberglass structures. Our designers are masters at turning ideas into solid product solutions.


We build what you need, whether it’s finished products or parts of larger products. No matter what the customer requests, we make it happen.


Our CNC machine can progress fiberglass, plastic, wood, and similar matherials. This allows us to tailor our product solutions to meet our customers needs.


Glassfiber Produkter AS can assist with the installation of structures. We have extensive experience and can ensure an efficient, fast, and safe installation

We deliver complete fiberglass solutions!

“That we can more easily join fiberglass with other parts gives us far fewer headaches when it comes to design and assembly “

– Kristian Aanes, Technical leader Gigante Salmon Indre Harøy

Success stories

Read about how we have helped some of Norway’s largest companies realize their vision


Success stories

Read about how we have helped some of Norway’s largest companies realize their vision
