



Bedriftsvegen 34
4353 Klepp Stasjon


We want to contribute the sustainable growth and development of the society. The UN has defined a list of goals the world must strive for in order to become more sustainable. We have identified the goals where we can make a difference.


At Glassfiber Produkter, employees should feel safe, be healthy and enjoy their workplace. That is why the work around security, facilitation and unity is essential for us.

The sustainability goal is about ensuring good health and promoting quality of life for all. Safety is a top priority, and we work continuously to identify and prevent risks. Protective equipment is always available and in top condition, and all machines are equipped with safety solutions which prevent injuries. The team is also kept up to date with courses and training.

We do what we can to keep our team healthy and vibrant. We must thrive at work, and therefore we arrange activities and social gatherings which create a social and inclusive work environment. It strengthens the sense of unity and builds a culture in the company we are proud of.


One of our most important tasks is to facilitate a permanent, safe and inclusive workplace for our skilled employees.

The sustainability goal is about promoting lasting, inclusive and sustainable growth, full employment and decent work for all. Glassfiber Produkter will contribute to a decent and inclusive working life of good quality. It requires a stable operation and healthy economy.

We focus on young people and those with little experience, and through us they can gain a foothold in working life. This group has a great value, and can be an important resource for the company.


With fiberglass, we can create innovative and robust solutions that can withstand the test of time. Therefore, our goal is for more fiberglass to be used as solutions in infrastructure.

The sustainability goal is about building solid infrastructure with sustainable industrialization and innovation. Fiberglass products have high strength and long life. It provides solid solutions which will last a long time, requires little maintenance and leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The versatility of fiberglass allows us to tailor solutions with a high degree of accuracy, and it will require minor replacements and upgrades over time. Fiberglass can replace other less environmentally friendly solutions used today.


We want to do as much as possible with as little as possible. This means that materials and products we bring in must be fully utilized.

The sustainability goal is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. Residues and cuts from production are a resource in our eyes. We continue to use the excess materials in new projects. Solid routines give us an overview of what residues we have, and how it can be utilized in the best possible way in future production. This way we do not have to throw away that which is usable. The material that can no longer be used is recycled in other ways. It is recycled into new raw material or used as energy for other types of production.

Our products meet strict requirements in several areas. Among these we have the REACH regulations. None of our products contain harmful chemicals mentioned in the REACH.


The use of environmentally friendly materials, efficient use of raw materials and follow-up of our own emissions are among our contributions in the fight against climate change.

The UN calls for immediate action to combat climate change and its consequences. We do our part to keep our emissions down. We have solid routines for how to utilize our materials in the best possible way, and how to handle unusable waste. Compared to several other materials, the fiberglass has a smaller climate footprint. The high strength and low weight of fiberglass make transport easier, and require less installation work. Fiberglass requires little maintenance and has a long duration, all factors which cause less emissions.

We also monitor our own emissions such as electricity consumption, fuel and residual waste. It gives us better insight, and makes it easier to make more environmentally friendly choices in our daily operations.


We participate in arenas with others in the pursuit of better and more environmentally friendly solutions. It involves what and how we produce, what it is used for and how it can be recycled in the best possible way.

The sustainability goal is about strengthening partnerships to achieve sustainable development. Glassfiber Produkter collaborates with many partners in several areas. Together with Rogaland Gjenvinning, we take care of the waste from production.

Ecofiber is a supplier of recycled fiberglass. They produce granules from old boats and other fiberglass that we have used for many of our projects.