Huge tanks in fiberglass have arrived at Nibio’s facilities at Særheim. Here, the tanks will be included in test work to develop sustainable and climate-neutral technology for greenhouses. The massive size of the tanks required an extensive and exciting transport.
Massive tanks
The fiberglass tanks measures 5 meters in height, and with a width of 3.6 meters the tanks hold a full 40 cubic meters. The tanks were shipped as special transport with entourage, all the way from the supplier in Lithuania. After unloading at the port in Norway, another entourage were to follow the tanks safely to it’s destination at Særheim.
“The tanks were so large that it required a full escort” explains project manager Magnar Stangeland. «What makes fiberglass so beneficial is the low weight, which is definitely a bonus in terms of transport.”

Two of the tanks ready for transport.

The entourage following the shipment in Klapeida.
A tank lifted into it’s place.
Green technology
The tanks will be used as energy storage for hot and cold water, and are part of a larger and exciting test project. GreenCap Solutions AS develops new, green technology for greenhouses with the goal of reducing emissions and improving crops. The energy storage will help regulate both temperature and humidity. The hatches in the greenhouses can remain closed which makes it easier to maintain a high and favorable level of CO2. The new way of regulating the climate as well as the CO2 level gives the plants the perfect environment to grow in. The technology also reduces the use of fossil energy.
Fresh cucumbers and juicy tomatoes
Greencap’s technology aims to improve the quality and quantity of crops. Tests have been performed on both cucumbers and tomatoes with impressive results. In addition to reducing CO2 emissions, quality, size and taste improved significantly.
The greenhouses use GreenCap’s ECS technology, which regulates the environment of the crops, and the DAC technology, which captures CO2 and uses the gas to optimize the growth of the plants.
Our fiberglass tanks play a small but important role in an incredibly exciting project that can revolutionize how food is grown in the future. We would like to thank GreenCap Solutions AS for the chance to be part of the innovative project.
Green technology optimizes the environment which helps the tomatoes grow even larger and tastier. Photo: pixabay
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