The Iron Age farm at Ullandhaug is an exciting and educational place to visit. It is a reconstruction of an old farm from the migration period (approx. 350 – 550 AD). Glassfiber Produkter has delivered 135 meters of gratings to the facility.
A path of fiberglass
Between the buildings you will find fiberglass gratings lowered into the soil. It forms a clear and solid walkway which visitors can follow from A to B without having to wander around the terrain. The walkway is convenient to use, and it helps to take care and protect the nature around. The fiberglass can withstand moisture without corroding, something traditional materials can have problems with. The vegetation is freely growing and enclosing the gratings which help them meld into the terrain. The path has wider sections, these are made so that those with prams, wheelchairs or walkers will have room to pass each other.
Approved for grazing
Both sheep and lambs roam the area to graze. The grates have been approved by the county municipality as proof that it will not create a problem for the animals.
Open-air museum
The longhouses are built on the remains of an approximately 1500 year old farm. The reconstruction gives an insight into what it looked like on a typical farm at that time. Visitors will learn agreat deal about the history and the people, how they lived, ate, dressed and their relationship with animals and nature.
If you want a taste of the iron age history you can read more at Jernaldergården’s website.
The gratings were installed in 2018 by Kruse Smith Entrepenør AS. Below you can see photos from 2018 until now. You can clearly see how the surrounding vegetation envelops the grates. What will the grates look like in four new years? Or ten years?
If you think the project seems interesting, feel free to contact us!