Glassfiber Produkter is performing a pipe inspection on Jotun FPSO, an oil production vessel. The ship has several fiberglass piping systems which were installed back in 1998 and 1999. The inspection is carried out in collaboration with Odda Plast AS. It is exciting to see the condition of the fiberglass pipes after so many years.

“We know that fiberglass is an excellent material for such pipe systems. Fiberglass does not corrode, as the inspection also confirms. The material is long lasting, and you can see that in the pictures.” says Elling Stangeland, managing director of Stangeland Glassfiber Produkter AS.

ukorrodert glassfiber og korroderte bolter

The fiberglass pipes after 20 years on Jotun FPSO.

Long lifespan
The choice to use fiberglass was not coincidental. Fiberglass pipes are low weight which makes them easy to assemble and handle. The material is also highly versatile and effective. The pipes will not corrode and they last long.

A major upgrade of Jotun
Vår Energi, who owns the ship, are investing heavily in extending the life of Jotun FPSO. The ship has been producing oil in the North Sea for 20 years, and will continue to work in the Balder field after the upgrade. The renewal work is taking place at Rosenberg Worly’s shipyard in Stavanger, and according to plan, the ship will be completed by the end of 2022.

The inspection
The pipe systems were manufactured by Future Pipe Industries and installed on Jotun FPSO in 1998 when the ship was first built. Based on expertise and long experience, Glassfiber Produkter was chosen to perform the inspection job, which consists of visual inspection and video inspection.

“We have a good collaboration with Rosenberg and are carrying out a thorough inspection. We are very pleased to see how well the fiberglass has done. It shows excactly the good quailty of the material.” Stangeland explains.

Do you want long lasting, high quality products? Feel free to contact us!

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glassfiberrør med korrodert feste
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Here you can see the big contrast, the fiberglass has not corroded.